It's been far too long since I've visited my little blog here but boy do we have updates! since my last post Steven had surgery on his knee (sports injury/prevention), we had our first Christmas together, we moved into our new little apartment (it's so cute!), we've gone through almost an entire semester, Steven changed his major... in short- a lot! For the most part we are settled in the apartment although I feel like I'm always coming up with new projects whether they be decorating or organizing to cozy up more in our little place. Steven has made a good recovery from surgery although he's still going to physical therapy and building his strength back up. I'm just glad he's not having to hobble around on his crutches anymore! It was entertaining however to watch him play basketball over Christmas break with one leg and a crutch haha.
School wise we are soooo ready to be done for the semester so we can take a break and relax for the summer. I'll still be working at State Farm and Steven is going to take some classes but we'll both deffinitely have lighter loads! On top of work I'll be spending some time on a reasearch team at the university studying awesome psychology stuff which should be a good experience to put on a resume. I also was able to get a job lined up with a different professor to work as a TA in the fall! I'm super stoked because I had decided to quit my job in the fall and I let my boss know. There were just things I needed to be able to do during the school year that my current schedule didn't have the flexibility to allow. My boss is great and he understood but I was so glad to be able to get something else set up before I've even left so it won't be something to stress about in the fall. If I am unable to nail down an intern or other TA position for winter semester, I could also use the experience for my senior capstone project (oh yeah, I'm graduating next April btw!!!!!). So good stuff :)
I've been so grateful for how much Heavenly Father has been looking out for us this year. There has been a lot of change and I've been humbled as I've learned more about my own weaknesses. I feel like Heavenly Father has just constantly been there to help us along the way, even when I feel like there's no way I deserve so much love from him. Lately I've been worried about finances while we've been trying to get taxes done and make it to summer when I'll be working full time again. On top of this there was a miscommunication between Steven and I and we had to come up with $400 to cover expenses. Just when we had that worked out a bill came out unexpectedly (we were a month ahead but I forgot to stop the autopay) so we were down another couple hundred dollars. We recently replaced the battery in my car and Steven's is having trouble starting. THEN another unexpected situation came up yesterday that will probably be another couple hundred. I was starting to feel overwhelmed not knowing how everything was going to get covered when today a check arrived in the mail for Steven's financial aid. We applied for this shortly after getting married and had heard nothing back so we assumed he didn't qualify at the time. the check was more than enough to cover all our current expenses and then some. I just couldn't believe it and I still don't think Steven knows how incredibly pleasantly surprised I was when he showed me what had come in the mail. So that's my story for the day. Just getting to the good stuff <3