
Monday, June 10, 2013

lovely little thoughts

Sometimes short and sweet words say it best. I saw this on Pinterest the other night after getting home from the gym and just LOVED it. It's going to be my motto for the next little bit.

Lately I've had a lot on my mind so blogging has been the least of my worries. I feel like the closer I've gotten to graduation, the less I knew about what I wanted to do when I was done at BYU. I finally had an epiphany and my mind has felt so much more at peace. Logically it all makes sense now, although the answer to my prayers did come as a bit of a surprise. I've decided to get certified as a personal trainer. As I may or may not have mentioned in the past, I will then go on to get my masters in social work and use my skills both as a clinician and a personal trainer to offer exercise therapy to girls who have been abused. I've brainstormed doing something along these lines for about a year now but I always put myself in a different role as I've contemplated starting such an organization, working with this target group. Finally I realized that I want a way to have an active healthy lifestyle and what better way to do that than to help others gain confidence and inner strength when life has thrown them a curve ball?

When I first got an answer that this was what I should pursue, I was a bit scared to be honest. Well, I'm still a little scared even. I mean- I'm still working on my own figure and now I'm going to jump in to learn how to train others?? This almost seems crazy. I have grown so much though in the last year and by the time I'm done with my certification, I'll be exactly where I'd like to be physically. There is so much research available about the positive effects of exercise, much of which counter common residual effects of trauma and childhood abuse. Using exercise as treatment then makes SO much sense and is somewhat being done already with recreation therapy. I've even found a local girls treatment center that places heavy weight on their nutrition program and once I'm certified, I'd love to join them in bringing the fitness aspect to their establishment as well. This is so exciting to me guys :) I feel like I'm taking that leap of faith, for sure, but as always Heavenly Father is there to watch over us so I know it will all work out.

Love this scripture!

Go be amazing.

<3 K