you know what it's like when you're reading a good book and you just can't put it down because it's getting right to the
best part? you know how sometimes a friend wants to change a song on the
radio but you love it and make them wait till your favorite line you belt out is through? you know how dreamsicles have the creamy part right in the middle and you can't wait to make your way there after the first bite? (as well as cow tails, and those chocolate
dinosaur eggs with the gummies in middle!!) this is me right now. the stuff that has led me up to this point has been quite a ride but now, we're getting to the
good stuff. I am a bride to be in 38 days.
Kayla and
adorable, right? we can be normal too
mostly we're just a little on the
ridiculous side though
lets be
serious, its more fun
we're getting married 8/6/11 <3 which, from what i hear, is a great day to get
married, although there still seems like so much to do before then. right now, we're mostly just trying to get the invitations in the mail. complications with our pictures keep pushing it back but we're soon going to be out of time! hopefully a good
friend will be around to save the day so everyone can save the date. cross your fingers for us! <3
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