
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Abs for Grads and other lovelies

Guys this week has been a bit crazy. even though we moved not too long ago, I always kind of keep an eye out for apartments because there are a few things I wish were different about our place and good housing is just so hard to find in Provo. I figured if we happened to find a perfect place for us at same or less cost, it would be good to move so we could settle for the next few years or so that we'll be here. Well we found one!! It has 2 bedrooms, a great kitchen w/ dishwasher AND... a washer and dryer in the unit!!! Oh yeah, and central AC. It will cost about the same bill wise but we will be saving some on laundry expenses so that's a bonus. It's also in a newer building and we like the location so we're stoked. the only downside is they're looking to fill in July 3rd which means we have to get rid of our contract and pack up our place asap. However I posted our ad yesterday and already think we found someone who is eager to take it off our hands (keep your fingers crossed for us!)

now to check in on my goals. This weeks' goal hasn't gone down so well haha. Between apartment searching, apartment cleaning/showing, and everything else we do on a regular basis, I've already eaten out twice... BUT, keeping the reasoning behind the goal in mind, I tried to go with healthier options and then got my butt out of bed this morning and worked some of those calories right back off! So I won't beat myself up too much about it. Meeting every goal isn't so important necessarily as is the growth that comes with your efforts to stretch yourself. Plus Steven and I decided to throw in some competition and see who can get to the hottest abs by graduation time next year. (cheer for me!)

I read an article this morning from KSL called "Running Hurts So Good" by Kim Cowart and I just loved some of the things the writer had to say. I'd reword it but it wouldn't do it any justice and I'd probably post more to read than was worth the point being made. Here's a bit from the article:

"I’ve stuck with running long enough to know that all bad moments come to an end. Nothing, not even pain, lasts forever. If I can just keep putting one foot in front of the other, I will eventually get to the end. And the darker the moments are, the more satisfying and rewarding the finish line becomes. Running is a physical, daily reminder to me that I am strong enough to do hard things. This reminder gives me confidence to tackle other challenges in my life that may have previously scared me off. I know if I face those obstacles that are making my life uncomfortable, I will come out the other end stronger and more self-assured."

This was exactly how I felt Saturday, and again this morning as the sweat was literally dripping down my face.

I am strong enough to do hard things

and I'm not just talking about excercise, and this isn't just for me. Life hits us upside the head sometimes but we were made to overcome and learn from our challenges. Sometimes all it takes is a little courage and confidence from within.

So go and be beautiful today!

<3 K

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