1. Be realistic- Not to say you can't challenge yourself, but setting yourself up for failure can do more harm than good. Set a goal that will require you to work at it without killing yourself and still falling short. That is SO discouraging. So don't do it.
2. Be specific- If your goal is to "lose weight" give yourself a deadline, specify the pounds, outline how you're going to achieve that loss. If your goal is to run a race, sign up for a date, set your training schedule, and have your finishing time in mind as you train. When you set specific goals, it forces accountability and makes your success measurable and therefore more satisfying. Crossing that finish line will feel AMAZING.
3. Learn how to bounce back- not reaching your goals can be disheartening, see point #1. BUT if you are ready to reach your goals, you HAVE to learn to be kind to yourself. Be understanding when you're doing the best you can and try again the next day. This is a process and if you're going to make lasting lifestyle changes, it will take some practice.
4. Adapt- Sometimes goals need adjusting, so be ready to change them up. When you're expecting a busy week, it may not be possible to make it to the gym after work every day and that's ok. Decide what is reasonable and set that as your goal for the week. When things are going great and reaching your goal is a breeze, it's time to up it so you can push yourself a bit more. That's when change happens.
5. Break it up- When you have a goal in mind, I find it helps to break it up into subgoals. This goes along with being specific but for me at least, it's really helpful to have steps broken down for me to reach my goal. It also helps counter the all-or-nothing perspective that can creep around loftier goals. For example, if you want to lost 50 pounds, maybe break that down into 5 pound increments. Or break it down into action you can take and measure daily like 30 min. workouts 5x/week.
6. Reward yourself- Solid goals require self discipline, consistency, and a lot of work! Give yourself a pat on the back and reinforce yourself along the way. If your goals are health oriented, avoid food as a reward. American culture is particularly bad with this, but sever the unhealthy relationship with food by using it as fuel instead of a reward. Instead, use something that is more conducive to the work you're putting in. Working towards weight loss, I have rewards planned for every 5 pounds I lose- also one of the ways I break up my larger goal for pounds to lose. Bought these new workout capris a few weeks ago as my first reward:
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I'm now realizing how these match perfectly with my blog design too! Hahaha |
Exercise is hard guys, but being unhealthy is so much harder. I always amaze myself with how great I feel when I'm eating right and working my body. I love this quote by M. Russell Ballard:
Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and healthy and to take care of the precious bodies he created for us.
Stay tuned for part two where I share some ideas for goal tracking including what I've tried, what I've liked, and how to keep things simple.
<3 Kayla
Thank you for posting this! It's the encouragement and reminder I need.