
Friday, September 14, 2012


Wow I feel like it's been forever since I posted! Things started picking up a LOT the close that the new school year came. Here's what's new with us.

weight loss: After my 8 lb breakthrough I gained and lost a few pounds back and forth and haven't been working out very much since school started so I was afraid I had gained most of it back BUT, when I left the gym yesterday I was between 150-151 which means I've lost about 10 pounds!!!! I was so pumped because that is the absolute most progress i've seen in a straight shot for me. It's deff been hard sometime but I have stuck with this and have integrated this more into my lifestyle and and reaping the benefits of diligence! I still have more to go but, I'm 1/3 through my goal which means I'm deff on track for my abs at graduation. heck yes and booyah.

school: I'm loving school so far this semester. It is keeping me more busy than I would like but I love my classes. Ok, most of them at least. I only have one class I'm not crazy about and I think most of that has to do with the fact that it's an evening class. The reading is interesting though so that's good. Unrelated to classwork, I'm also LOVING seeing people on campus again. Especially friends from freshman year who have recently returned from missions- awesome! so that is school. I'm nervous about applying to grad schools/not getting in but since I'm only applying to a few programs as opposed to as many as I can get my hands on, I'll have to just not be harsh on myself if I don't get in right away.

work: I'm still working at SF and just today told my boss, if he doesn't find a replacement really soon.... I could probably just stay on because by the time he finds someone and has them trained, my schedule will be easing up and I'd be able to work more anyways. so we'll see if that happens. Since another employee just got a job offer elsewhere, he'd have to find 2 replacements ASAP to keep the office functioning which would be hard to do so I'm thinking i'll just hang around here at least until after graduation when I can get a real job in social work or something.

Steven: my wonderful, wonderful husband. He is back in school too and although I don't think he enjoys school as much as I do, he's doing well so far. He's having a hard time finding work so keep us in your prayers as we're hoping he gets one soon! He's having quite a bit of fun with all of his frisbee stuff too. He's captaining at least two teams, playing with 4 teams I think right now although only a couple of them hold practices and such. The others are just for fun. We also recently discovered that he had skin cancer! yikes! He had an abnormal growth in his arm and had it checked out and removed only to find out with the lab results that it was cancerous!!! I'm so glad he had it checked out though so we could nip it in the butt and get it out. Hopefully that will be the last we see of that!

So that's about all that's new with us! I realize this was long, but it had been quite a while. Stay posted on new updates with our apartment as I have been at work decorating and rearranging things :) I wish I could do more though!!

Hope you all are having a wonderful friday and don't forget to cheer the cougars on tomorrow at the BYU-UTAH game!!!

<3 K