
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Fitness goodies

Everyone loves freebies. so here's some tidbits about exercise, nutrition, etc. that I have learned and want to share with you all!

First off- foam rolling is amazing.

I didn't really know much about foam rolling until starting my program but now it's something I will go on and on preaching about. The purpose of foam rolling is to force tight muscles to relax which will reduce discomfort & pain while helping to fix muscular imbalances therefore preventing injury. For example, Steven has problems with his knee because his outer thigh muscles are tighter than his inner thigh muscles. These muscles attach to the kneecap so the tight muscles pull the kneecap out of place essentially.  I have now "prescribed"several exercises for him to strengthen the inner muscles and showed him how to roll the outer ones to help him balance out that muscle group so he can quit killing his poor knee. Seriously. this stuff is amazing. 

Second- everyone should be lifting weights

I feel like the fitness/health industry has been better recently about encouraging women to lift weights but really, EVERYONE should be incorporating it into their routine and here's why. Lifting weights helps alter your body composition by increasing muscle mass. Bodies with greater muscle burn more calories while working out. If you're worried about bulking up ladies, you would have to try really hard both by working out a certain way and eating a strict specific diet to do that so no worries- lift those weights! Another reason lifting is so important is because it helps your bones get stronger. Overweight individuals have lower rates of bone density problems such as osteopenia or osteoporosis because their excessive weight puts stress on their bones and forces them to adapt to bear the weight. Weight training is how everyone else achieves this result and can delay onset and/or prevent development of these diseases so you can be mobile for longer as you age. so just do it :)

Finally- make fitness fun for you!

Whether it's with cute workout clothes, group dance classes, or a hottie workout buddy (or Richard Simmons), find a way to make working out enjoyable, or at least bearable. the endorphins will also help with this :) Similar to making a diet work for you (which I will post about later), you need to find a routine that you don't dread like the plague because otherwise, it will be much harder to make yourself stick to it everyday. Also, be open to trying new things. Steven and I tried out a yoga class recently and we totally loved it! it was super relaxing, threw something new at our bodies, and was something we found we liked and could do together. so you never know until you try it. Find what works best for YOU.

happy sweating!

<3 Kayla

Friday, August 9, 2013

biceps :)

So i feel like I left everyone off with cliff hanger last month and decided it was time to sit down and give an update on my crazy little life! Studying to be a personal trainer has been interesting to put it simply. There are days where I feel like I am a complete psycho and can't believe I ever signed up for this program. Then there's days like today. Today during our lab hour, we had an extra long workout and I really pushed myself because I can get tired of being the weaker trainer (the other kid in my class is a stocky buff gym guy {yes there really is just me in him in all my classes}). Obviously my cardio routine I've done for the last year doesn't exactly make me look strong the way his workouts do.

At the same time though, I realized that I had gotten comfortable with my routine at the gym and had stopped pushing myself much in recent months. So anyways the past few days I've really been trying harder, risking failing and looking like an idiot at the gym (while wearing a bright red T-shirt labeled "Personal Trainer in Training" on the back- talk about drawing attention to yourself!!!) all so I can start seeing results again.

So we get back from the gym, I go sit at my desk, cross my arms and boom! I noticed that I could feel my biceps flexed out and they were def sticking out farther than what I'm used to. I waited until after class that day but then flexed around for a bit and realized there's a big difference in my arms with what they're like now and what they were like even a month ago when I first started my program. I showed Steven when I got home because I was so pumped about seeing results and so proud of myself for the hard work I've been doing.

So it's days like these that remind me that I'm not completely crazy. I am growing (literally) and getting stronger every day. I'm even learning things that I've been able to use to help Steven who is constantly battered with sports injuries. and then I have Ryan cheering me on...

So overall I think I got this :)

<3 Kayla