
Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 4

Happy Monday morning bloggers! Life is crazy. Last week we had a tournament for our Orem frisbee league so we had two games on Thursday and 3 games on Saturday. Let me tell ya, by the Saturday afternoon, I was absolutely exhausted. I had a blister the size of a quarter on one of my ankles, I have a bruise on my foot where I got stamped on with someone else's cleats, and my body ached from sore muscles and sunburns. Wowza. We won 2/3 games on Saturday and that final win was sooooo satisfying. with that all said, I am glad to be taking a break from frisbee. I do want to stay in shape though and keep practiced up because I've pretty much decided to play with the BYU girls team in the fall- woo hoo!

After our tourney Saturday we ate lots of food and hung out with some of our good friends. Then Sunday afternoon Steven's parents came to town so we ate lunch together and they dropped off some more boxes for us to use for packing. Steven's dad has an interview today in SLC so we're keeping them in our prayers! Then last night we met with some other friends of ours for ice cream and games. It was great.

As you can tell though, we have been procrastinating with the move. We are so excited but we kept trying to convince ourselves that packing wouldn't take long... yeah. sure. As of this morning, the bedroom was mostly packed, the bathroom is packed, and the kitchen is empty except for what's in our fridge. Most of the things in our closets are already in storage bins or boxes so really, we're mostly done. We'll pack up the truck tonight, clean the place, sleep on the floor, and move first thing in the morning! Boo yah!

After everything is dropped off at our new place, Steven and I are planning to go with his parents to the Manti temple which I'm super excited for because I've never been inside! Then come the festivities for the 4th. I'm starting the morning off bright and early running a 5K with a friend. She signed up and wanted a running buddy. I have never done one before so I thought, heck, why not?? After that wakes me up, Steven and I are meeting with some friends for a birthday breakfast (how cool would it be getting fireworks every year on your birthday?!). after that we'll probably unpack, eat yummy summer foods, and end the night with fireworks. yes, that sounds like a good way to spend the holiday :)

Do you guys have any fun 4th of July traditions? Steven's family wasn't huge on holidays but my family loved them and I'd love to get some fun traditions going for our own little family!

<3 K

P.S. I didn't forget about this week's goal, but with so much going on over this weekend I'll wait to post on that until later this week.

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